Risultati ricerca
[Sheffield : University of Sheffield, 2011]
Abstract/Sommario: Futurage is a two-year project funded by the European Commission, under the Seventh Framework Programme, to create the definitive road map for ageing research in Europe for the next 10-15 years. This document is the result of such project and contains the research agenda that will enable Europe to respond successfully to the unprecedented demographic challenges it faces. Its twin starting points are the high priority allocated to population ageing, by Member States and the European Uni ...; [Leggi tutto...]
UK : Lane, 2020
Abstract/Sommario: In the past, such fears have been misplaced, and many economists maintain that they remain so today. The book shows why this time really is different. Advances in artificial intelligence mean that all kinds of tasks - from diagnosing illnesses to drafting contracts - are increasingly within the reach of computers. The threat of technological unemployment is real. So how can we all thrive in a world with less work? The author reminds us that technological progress could bring about unpr ...; [Leggi tutto...]
[S.l. : s.n., 2004?]
Cambridge : Cambridge University press, 1996
Houndmills ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011
Abstract/Sommario: This volume examines the consequences of activation policies from the individual citizen's perspective. The book offers an original analytical perspective of how the multidimensional concept of social citizenship can be used in comparative research in order to capture underlying policy change which is often underestimated by policy analysts who delimit their perspective to material aspects of social policy reforms. Eight case studies, covering the North, West, and South of Europe, prov ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Bristol : Policy Press, 2014
Abstract/Sommario: Active ageing has become a key phrase in discourses about challenges and remedies for demographic ageing and the enrolment of older adults into voluntary work is an important dimension of it. The pattern and factors conditioning volunteering among older people has so far been an under-researched topic in Europe and this is the first book to study volunteering among older people comparatively and comprehensively In this topical book older people's volunteering is studied in eight Europe ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press, 1982
[London ; Basingstoke] : M, 1978
New York ; London : UNFPA ; HelpAge International, c2012
Abstract/Sommario: This landmark publication, representing a collaboration of over 20 United Nations entities and major international organizations working in the field of ageing, reviews policies and action taken by governments and other stakeholders since the Second World Assembly on Ageing in 2002. In addition to providing many inspiring examples of innovative programmes that address population ageing and the concerns of older persons, the report captures the voices of some 1300 older persons themselv ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar, 2018
Abstract/Sommario: Europe is ageing. However, in many European countries, and in almost all fields of life, older persons experience discrimination, social exclusion, and negative stereotypes that portray them as different or a burden to society. This pivotal book is the first of its kind, providing a rich and diverse analysis of the inter-relationships between ageing, ageism and law within Europe.
Altmetrics : a practical guide for librarians, researchers and academics
/ edited by Andy Tattersall
London : Facet, 2016
Abstract/Sommario: This book gives an overview of altmetrics, its tools and how to implement them successfully to boost and measure research outputs. New methods of scholarly communication and dissemination of information are having a huge impact on how academics and researchers build profiles and share research. This groundbreaking and highly practical guide looks at the role that library and information professionals can play in facilitating these new ways of working and demonstrating impact and influe ...; [Leggi tutto...]
London ; New York : Chapman and Hall, 1984
London ; New York : Methuen, 1982
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2004
[S.l.] : Kogan page, 1982
Farnham ; Burlington : Ashgate, c2011
Abstract/Sommario: This groundbreaking volume researches the lives of gecekondu settlers in the capital city of Turkey in order to understand how households cope with poverty and why some households are more successful than others in reducing their deprivation. It takes a critical stance towards existing conceptions such as household survival, livelihood and coping strategy and develops an alternative model based on four types of household response to poverty: income generation, income allocation, consum ...; [Leggi tutto...]
London : Collier-Macmillan, 1969
Cambridge : Polity Press, 2020
Abstract/Sommario: One of the most enduring ideas in economics is that unemployment is both unavoidable and necessary for the smooth functioning of the economy. This assumption has provided cover for the devastating social and economic costs of job insecurity. It is also false. In this book, leading expert Pavlina R. Tcherneva challenges us to imagine a world where the phantom of unemployment is banished and anyone who seeks decent, living-wage work can find it - guaranteed. This is the aim of the Job Gu ...; [Leggi tutto...]
London ; New York : McGraw-Hill, c1981
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2004
London : PlutoPress, 2018
Abstract/Sommario: In Class Matters, Charles Umney brings Marxist analysis out of the 19th century textiles mill, and into the call centres, office blocks and fast food chains of modern Britain. He shows how core Marxist concepts are vital to understanding increasing pay inequality, decreasing job security, increasing routinisation and managerial control of the labour process. Providing a critical analysis of competing perspectives, Umney argues that class must be understood as a dynamic and exploitative ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, c2009
Abstract/Sommario: Nooteboom develops and applies a social cognitive theory of firms and organizations in general, and of organization between organizations. His use of cognition, he explains, goes beyond rational inference to include perception, interpretation, value judgments, morality, emotions, and feelings-thus siding with Spinoza rather than Descartes on the mind/body dualism question. After setting out the rationale and methods for his study, he looks at embodied cognition from such perspectives a ...; [Leggi tutto...]
London : National Economic Development Office, 1984
Cambridge (Mass.) ; London : MIT Press, 1980
London : Hodder and Stoughton Educational : Schools Council, 1974
London : Hodder and Stoughton Educational, 1974
London : Hodder and Stoughton Educational, c1975
Convergence and divergence in education and training systems
/ Andy Green, Alison Wolf and Tom Leney
London : Institute of Education University of London, 1999
London : Kogan Page, 1992
London : CEPR press, 2020
Abstract/Sommario: At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was hoped that warm weather and younger populations would shield many developing countries from the virus. This hope has not been realised. While the pandemic is mostly under control in many advanced economies, some developing countries in Africa and Latin America are registering an increase in the number of cases and may suffer long lasting consequences from the pandemic. This book, co-published with the International Development Policy jo ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Bristol : Policy press, 2002
London : Routledge, 2018
Abstract/Sommario: After decades of economic integration and EU enlargement, the economic geography of Europe has shifted, with new peripheries emerging and the core showing signs of fragmentation. This book examines the paths of the core and peripheral countries, with a focus on their diverse productive capabilities and their interdependence. It provides a new framework for analysing the economic crisis that has shaken the Eurozone countries. Its analysis goes beyond the short-term, to study the medium ...; [Leggi tutto...]
London : Allen Lane The Penguin Press, [1969]
Milton Keines : Simon & Brown, c2011
Abstract/Sommario: The author argues that the primary ineluctable facts of the birth and death of each one of the constituent members in a social group determine the necessity of education. On one hand, there is the contrast between the immaturity of the new-born members of the group (its future sole representatives) and the maturity of the adult members who possess the knowledge and customs of the group. On the other hand, there is the necessity that these immature members be not merely physically prese ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1972
Manchester : Equality and Human Rights Commission, c2009
Abstract/Sommario: This report contributes towards the development of the equality measurement framework (EMF). It consolidates and revises the existing adult capability list by consulting with other groups that were not specifically targeted in the deliberative consultation carried out for The Equalities Review, and develops a list of central and valuable capabilities for children. The detailed list of central and valuable freedoms or capabilities for adults is grouped under 10 headings or domains. Thes ...; [Leggi tutto...]
London : Penguin books, 2002
London : CEPR press, 2020
Abstract/Sommario: COVID-19 may be as contagious economically as it is medically. This eBook addresses some key questions: How, and how far and fast, will the economic damage spread? How bad will it get? How long will the damage last? What are the mechanisms of economic contagion? And, above all, what can governments do about it?
Chekltenham \etc.! : E. Elgar, c2001
Oxford [etc.] : Pergamon press, 1987
London : University of London press, c1968
Basingstoke [etc.] : MacMillan Press, 2000
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007
Windsor : NFER-Nelson, 1981
Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, c2012
Abstract/Sommario: In public administration, rationality is prioritized over emotions, but the authors argue against this view, building off of ten years of research into the way that emotions form an important interface for virtually all public service occupations. They refer to emotional labor as the inner work of bringing out and holding back appropriate and inappropriate emotions in the course of stimulating or stifling emotions in others. This becomes most important in crises, where strong emotions ...; [Leggi tutto...]
New York : Cambridge University press, 2011
Abstract/Sommario: This book originates from the research project 'New discourses in labour law' held at the European University Institute. A detailed analysis of part-time work regulation is presented for seven European countries, in order to ascertain how internal domestic choices of the legislatures have merged into the 'Open method of co-ordination'. The impact of European employment policies is considered in parallel with the implementation of the Directive on part-time work, thus providing a comple ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Cambridge : Ernst & Young center for business innovation, 1997