Monografia a stampa Monografia a stampa
principi, andrea

Active ageing : voluntary work by older people in Europe

Bristol : Policy Press, 2014
Abstract/Sommario: Active ageing has become a key phrase in discourses about challenges and remedies for demographic ageing and the enrolment of older adults into voluntary work is an important dimension of it. The pattern and factors conditioning volunteering among older people has so far been an under-researched topic in Europe and this is the first book to study volunteering among older people comparatively and comprehensively In this topical book older people's volunteering is studied in eight Europe ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione Active ageing : voluntary work by older people in Europe / edited by Andrea Principi, Per H. Jensen and Giovanni Lamura. - Bristol : Policy Press, 2014. - xvi, 352 pages : ill. ; 24 cm
  • ISBN: 9781447307204
Luogo di pubblicazione
ID scheda 20634
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Estendi la ricerca degli autori
Principi, Andrea
Jensen, Per H.
Lamura, Giovanni
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