Monografia a stampa Monografia a stampa

Beyond the resources of poverty : gecekondu living in the Turkish capital

Farnham ; Burlington : Ashgate, c2011
Abstract/Sommario: This groundbreaking volume researches the lives of gecekondu settlers in the capital city of Turkey in order to understand how households cope with poverty and why some households are more successful than others in reducing their deprivation. It takes a critical stance towards existing conceptions such as household survival, livelihood and coping strategy and develops an alternative model based on four types of household response to poverty: income generation, income allocation, consum ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione Beyond the resources of poverty : gecekondu living in the Turkish capital / by Sebnem Eroglu. - Farnham ; Burlington : Ashgate, c2011. - 284 p. ; 24 cm. - (Cities and society)
Includes index: Introduction; Conceptualising household responses to poverty: a critical perspective; Explaining household responses to poverty: towards an improved framework; Researching gecekondu households: the method, setting and respondents; Income generation and diversification; Income allocation, investment and consumption; Understanding short-term change in poverty; The Ayhans: a relatively better off household; The Hikmets: a moderately deprived household; The Cansevers: a worse off household; Conclusion
  • ISBN: 9781409407461 (hbk. : alk. paper)
  • ISBN: 9781409407478 (ebook)
  • 339.460949618 - Macroeconomia e soggetti connessi. Povertà. Turchia. Istanbul
Luogo di pubblicazione
ID scheda 19292
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Eroglu, Sebnem
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