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Paris : Organisation de cooperation et de developpement economiques, 1973
Paris : Organisation de cooperation et de developpement economiques, stampa 1971
Marseille : Centre d'études et de recherches sur les qualifications, 1999
Paris : La documentation française, [1978]
Paris : Organisation de cooperation et de developpement economiques, 1972
Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, c2011
Abstract/Sommario: Globalisation and its effects have been at the forefront of public debate in recent years, fuelled on the one hand by the large benefits of integrated markets, and on the other hand by the detrimental adjustment effects often experienced by many economies as a result. Knowing the evolution of trade and the role of government trade policy is critical to understanding globalisation and grasping the lessons for future policy development. Comparative advantage is one of the principal theor ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Paris : OECD, c2009
Abstract/Sommario: This report examines both the challenges and the opportunities associated with designing and using indicator systems as a tool for the governance of regional development policy. It draws on the experiences of a number of OECD countries and provides an in-depth look at the cases of Italy, the United Kingdom (England), the United States and the European Union. It builds on previous OECD work on the governance of regional development policy by extending lessons about contractual relatio ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Paris : OECD, c2017
Abstract/Sommario: Government at a Glance 2017 provides the latest available data on public administrations in OECD countries. Where possible, it also reports data for Brazil, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, India, Indonesia, Lithuania, the Russian Federation, and South Africa. This edition contains new indicators on public sector emploympent, institutions, budgeting practices and procedures, regulatory governance, risk management and communication, open government data and public sector innovation. This ed ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Paris : OECD, c2013
Abstract/Sommario: The objective of this paper is to highlight some of the most important implementation issues associated with the greening of global value chains (GVCs). Special attention is given to how public policies and business strategies can support each other in meeting the challenge, particularly in developing countries. The first part calls for holding a systemic view of GVCs. This view should include downstream supply chains and take explicit account of the relationships between regular membe ...; [Leggi tutto...]