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Globalisation, comparative advantage and the changing dynamics of trade

Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, c2011
Abstract/Sommario: Globalisation and its effects have been at the forefront of public debate in recent years, fuelled on the one hand by the large benefits of integrated markets, and on the other hand by the detrimental adjustment effects often experienced by many economies as a result. Knowing the evolution of trade and the role of government trade policy is critical to understanding globalisation and grasping the lessons for future policy development. Comparative advantage is one of the principal theor ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione Globalisation, comparative advantage and the changing dynamics of trade / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, c2011. - 346 p. ; 30 cm
  • ISBN: 978-92-64-11307-7
  • OCSE - [Responsabilità principale]
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  • Paris - [Luogo di pubblicazione]
ID scheda 18261
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