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Governing regional development policy : the use of performance indicators

Paris : OECD, c2009
Abstract/Sommario: This report examines both the challenges and the opportunities associated with designing and using indicator systems as a tool for the governance of regional development policy. It draws on the experiences of a number of OECD countries and provides an in-depth look at the cases of Italy, the United Kingdom (England), the United States and the European Union. It builds on previous OECD work on the governance of regional development policy by extending lessons about contractual relatio ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione Governing regional development policy : the use of performance indicators / Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. - Paris : OECD, c2009. - 193 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Also available in French under the title: Conduire les politiques de développment régional. Les indicateurs de performance
  • ISBN: 9789264056282
  • OCSE - [Responsabilità secondaria]
  • 338.91 - Sviluppo e crescita internazionale
Luogo di pubblicazione
  • Paris - [Luogo di pubblicazione]
ID scheda 18089
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