Risultati ricerca
Chekltenham \etc.! : E. Elgar, c2001
Oxford [etc.] : Pergamon press, 1987
London : University of London press, c1968
Basingstoke [etc.] : MacMillan Press, 2000
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007
Windsor : NFER-Nelson, 1981
Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, c2012
Abstract/Sommario: In public administration, rationality is prioritized over emotions, but the authors argue against this view, building off of ten years of research into the way that emotions form an important interface for virtually all public service occupations. They refer to emotional labor as the inner work of bringing out and holding back appropriate and inappropriate emotions in the course of stimulating or stifling emotions in others. This becomes most important in crises, where strong emotions ...; [Leggi tutto...]
New York : Cambridge University press, 2011
Abstract/Sommario: This book originates from the research project 'New discourses in labour law' held at the European University Institute. A detailed analysis of part-time work regulation is presented for seven European countries, in order to ascertain how internal domestic choices of the legislatures have merged into the 'Open method of co-ordination'. The impact of European employment policies is considered in parallel with the implementation of the Directive on part-time work, thus providing a comple ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Cambridge : Ernst & Young center for business innovation, 1997