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Luxembourg : Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes, 1992
Hamburg : UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, c2010
Abstract/Sommario: The Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI), hosted by the Government of Brazil in Belém from 1 to 4 December 2009, provided an important platform for policy dialogue and advocacy on adult learning and non-formal education at global level. The conference brought together UNESCO Member States, United Nations agencies, multi- and bi-lateral cooperation agencies, organisations from civil society, the private sector and learners from all world regions. The overarch ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Dusseldorf : Arbeit und Leben, [1999?]
[Hambourg : s.n.], 1981
Berlino : CEDEFOP, 1986
Berlin : CEDEFOP, 1978
Berlin : CEDEFOP, 1995
[Bonn : Federal ministry of labour and social affairs], 2014
Abstract/Sommario: Il manuale costituisce una guida ai requisiti minimi comuni obbligatori richiesti dal Bando Coordinato per misure di mobilità transnazionale in favore di giovani svantaggiati e giovani adulti, finanziate dal Fse
Berlin : Social Europe Publishing, 2021
Abstract/Sommario: The coronavirus crisis has highlighted the flaws in European welfare states, which can spur their renewal and reinforcement after decades of cuts and privatization. This dossier addresses the topic by an interdisciplinary approach, outlining analysis and proposal to innovate the welfare systems all over Europe.