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Confintea 6. [Risorsa elettronica] : sixth international conference on adult education final report : living and learning for a viable future: the power of adult learning [...]

Hamburg : UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, c2010
Abstract/Sommario: The Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI), hosted by the Government of Brazil in Belém from 1 to 4 December 2009, provided an important platform for policy dialogue and advocacy on adult learning and non-formal education at global level. The conference brought together UNESCO Member States, United Nations agencies, multi- and bi-lateral cooperation agencies, organisations from civil society, the private sector and learners from all world regions. The overarch ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione Confintea 6. [Risorsa elettronica] : sixth international conference on adult education final report : living and learning for a viable future: the power of adult learning [...] . - Dati testuali elettronici. - Hamburg : UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, c2010
Tit. dalla schermata del titolo
  • 374 - Educazione degli adulti
Luogo di pubblicazione
  • Hamburg - [Luogo di pubblicazione]
ID scheda 18322
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