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Bosio, Giulio

The trend over time of the gender wage gap in Italy [Risorsa elettronica]

Bonn : IZA, 2011
Abstract/Sommario: The main question addressed by this article is whether and how gender inequalities in wages have changed in Italy in the face of the important labour market developments of the last years. Specifically, the paper addresses gender wage inequalities in Italy in the mid-1990s and in the mid-2000s. In this period important labour market developments occurred: institutional changes have loosened the use of flexible and atypical contracts; the female employment rates and educational levels h ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione The trend over time of the gender wage gap in Italy [Risorsa elettronica] / Chiara Mussida, Matteo Picchio. - Dati testuali elettronici. - Bonn : IZA, 2011. - (IZA Discussion paper ; 5932)
  • 331.421530945 - Economia del lavoro. Donne lavoratrici. Retribuzioni. Discriminazione e politiche antidiscriminatorie. Italia
Luogo di pubblicazione
  • IZA - [Editore]
ID scheda 18112
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Bosio, Giulio
Leonardi, Marco
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