Monografia a stampa Monografia a stampa
Dosi, Giovanni

The *Foundations of complex evolving economies : part one : *innnovation organization and industrial dynamics

Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023
Abstract/Sommario: The book seeks to offer an integrated analysis of the anatomy and physiology of the capitalist engine of generation and exploitation of technological, organizational and institutional innovations - from the drivers of knowledge accumulation, to the ways in which such knowledge is incorporated into business. businesses, up to the processes of "Schumpeterian competition" driven by innovation and macroeconomic growth. In this way, it advances the interpretation of such models, in terms of ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione The *Foundations of complex evolving economies : part one : *innnovation organization and industrial dynamics / Giovanni Dosi. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023. - xx, 729 p ; 24 cm.
  • EAN: 9780192865922
  • EAN: 9780192866042
  • 330.122 - Economia della libera impresa
Luogo di pubblicazione
  • Oxford - [Luogo di pubblicazione]
ID scheda 25411
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Dosi, Giovanni
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