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Centro europeo per lo sviluppo della formazione professionale

The development of national qualifications frameworks in Europe [Risorsa elettronica] : October 2011

Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2012
Abstract/Sommario: The 27 EU member states, five EU candidate countries and Liechtenstein and Norway are making rapid progress towards establishing and implementing national qualifications frameworks (NQF). By the end of 2011, 12 countries have linked their national qualifications levels to the European qualifications framework (EQF) levels. Cedefop’s third review of NQF/EQF development shows that countries consider NQFs as tools that support national reforms and coherent lifelong learning policies. By p ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione The development of national qualifications frameworks in Europe [Risorsa elettronica] : October 2011 / Cedefop. - Dati testuali elettronici. - Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2012. - (Working paper ; 12)
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  • ISBN: 978-92-896-0850-3
  • ISSN: 1831-2403
  • DOI: 10.2801/98748
  • 331.2592094 - Economia del lavoro. Formazione. Europa
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