Monografia a stampa Monografia a stampa
cure, oliver

RDF database systems : triple storage and sparql query processing

Amsterdam ; Boston : Morgan Kaufmann, 2015
Abstract/Sommario: This book is a cutting-edge guide that distills everything you need to know to effectively use or design an RDF database. This book starts with the basics of linked open data and covers the most recent research, practice, and technologies to help you leverage semantic technology. With an approach that combines technical detail with theoretical background, this book shows how to design and develop semantic web applications, data models, indexing and query processing solutions.
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Campo Valore
Descrizione RDF database systems : triple storage and sparql query processing / by Oliver Curé, Guillaume Blin. - Amsterdam ; Boston : Morgan Kaufmann, 2015. - 243 p. ; 28 cm.
  • ISBN: 9780127999579
  • 005.7565 - Programmazione, programmi, dati degli elaboratori. Specifici sistemi di gestione di basi di dati relazionali
Luogo di pubblicazione
ID scheda 21444
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Estendi la ricerca degli autori
Blin, Guillaume
Curé, Oliver
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