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european foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions

Mapping youth transitions in Europe [Risorsa elettronica]

Luxembourg : Publications office of the European Union, 2014
Abstract/Sommario: Young people in Europe continue to experience great difficulties in the labour market. While the youth unemployment rate has started to fall in a few Member States, overall 23% of young job-seekers aged 15–24 in the EU28 could not find a job in January 2014. The number of young people who were not in employment, education or training (the NEETs group) in 2012 increased to 14.6 million, representing 15.9% of the entire population of those aged 15–29. This report analyses the labour mark ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione Mapping youth transitions in Europe [Risorsa elettronica] / European foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions ; Massimiliano Mascherini ...[et al.]. - Dati testuali elettronici. - Luxembourg : Publications office of the European Union, 2014
Tit. dalla schermata del titolo. - Executive summary in Italiano available at:
  • ISBN: 9789289711418
  • DOI: 10.2806/51024
  • 331.34094 - Economia del lavoro. Lavoratori giovani. Europa
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ID scheda 20065
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European foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions
Mascherini, Massimiliano
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