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Living Europe : studying and working abroad : [Italy]

Roma : [s.n.], 2012 (Editpress)
Abstract/Sommario: To increase and expand transnational mobility, it is important to provide a wide and up-to-date information on the opportunities for study, training and employment in other EU countries. The guide, refers to Italy, is structured by subjects: background, where to find advice and guidance, studying, learning italian, getting your qualifications recognised and working. These subjects are in turn sub-divided by topics.
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Descrizione Living Europe : studying and working abroad : [Italy] / ISFOL ; [editors Ismene Tramontano and Silvia Vaccaro]. - Roma : [s.n.], 2012 (Editpress). - 36 p. ; 30 cm
In testa al front.: Lifelong Learning Programme; Euroguidance Italy; Ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali, Direzione generale per le politiche attive e passive del lavoro, ISFOL
Luogo di pubblicazione
  • Roma - [Luogo di stampa]
ID scheda 19433
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Centro Euroguidance Italy
Tramontano, Ismene
Vaccaro, Silvia
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