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pastore, francesco

Italy between a disaster and a new development strategy

Bonn : IZA, 2020
Abstract/Sommario: Italy has probably been one of the first ships to cross the storm of the pandemic, soon after Wuhan in China, and one of the worst performers with a GDP fall of -10% in 2020. The reason is that the pandemic recession has drawn on old structural problems, which already before the pandemic made the country one of the worst performers in terms of growth rates in Europe in the last 20 years. The evils of Italy are well known. It is the second biggest manufacturer in Europe, but also among ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione Italy between a disaster and a new development strategy / Francesco Pastore. - Dati testuali elettronici. - Bonn : IZA, 2020. - (IZA Policy paper ; 167)
  • 338.945 - Produzione. Sviluppo e crescita economica. Italia
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Pastore, Francesco
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