Monografia a stampa Monografia a stampa
becketti, sean

Introduction to time series using Stata

College Station : Stata press, 2020
Abstract/Sommario: Introduction to Time Series Using Stata, Revised Edition provides a step-by-step guide to essential time-series techniques–from the incredibly simple to the quite complex– and, at the same time, demonstrates how these techniques can be applied in the Stata statistical package. The emphasis is on an understanding of the intuition underlying theoretical innovations and an ability to apply them. Real-world examples illustrate the application of each concept as it is introduced, and care i ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione Introduction to time series using Stata / Sean Becketti. - Rev. ed. - College Station : Stata press, 2020. - xxv, 446 p. ; 24 cm.
  • ISBN: 978-1-59718-306-2
Luogo di pubblicazione
ID scheda 23328
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Becketti, Sean
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