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Industrial Relations in Europe 2012 [Risorsa elettronica] : Commission staff working document

[Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union], 2013
Abstract/Sommario: While Industrial Relations in Europe 2010 noted that social dialogue had been a factor for resilience in overcoming the early effects of the crisis, this 2012 edition concludes that the impact of the sovereign debt challenge and the budgetary consolidation policies being pursued in a wide range of countries are producing more fundamental changes to industrial relations in Europe. Industrial Relations in Europe 2010 noted that in the early part of the recession, when the main impact of ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione Industrial Relations in Europe 2012 [Risorsa elettronica] : Commission staff working document / European Commission. - Dati testuali elettronici. - [Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union], 2013
  • 331.094 - Economia del lavoro. Europa
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ID scheda 19407
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