Monografia a stampa Monografia a stampa
supiot, alain

Governance by numbers : the making of a legal model of allegiance

Oxford ; Portland, Oregon : Hart Publishing, 2017
Abstract/Sommario: The West's cherished dream of social harmony by numbers is today disrupting all our familiar legal frameworks - the state, democracy and law itself. Its scientistic vision shaped both Taylorism and Soviet Planning, and today, with 'globalisation', it is flourishing in the form of governance by numbers. Shunning the goal of governing by just laws, and empowered by the information and communication technologies, governance champions a new normative ideal of attaining measurable objective ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione Governance by numbers : the making of a legal model of allegiance / Alain Supiot ; translated by Saskia Brown. - Oxford ; Portland, Oregon : Hart Publishing, 2017. - xi, 310 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - (Hart Studies in Comparative Public Law)
Titolo di rinvio
  • ISBN: 9781509907748
  • 340.115 - Diritto. Filosofia e teoria. Diritto e società
Luogo di pubblicazione
ID scheda 21446
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