Monografia a stampa Monografia a stampa
Stati Uniti d' America : Department of labor

Employment and training report of the President : including reports : trasmitted to the Congress 1979

[Washington : US Government Printing Office], 1979
Copie: 1
Prestiti: 0
Prenotazioni: 0
Campo Valore
Descrizione Employment and training report of the President : including reports : trasmitted to the Congress 1979 / by the US Department of Labor and the US Department of Hearth, Education, and Welfare. - [Washington : US Government Printing Office], 1979. - 398 p. ; 26 cm
  • 331.120973 - Economia del lavoro. Mercato del lavoro. Stati Uniti
Luogo di pubblicazione
ID scheda 9234
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Stati Uniti d' America : Department of labor
Stati Uniti d' America : Department of health, education and welfare
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Biblioteca INAPP 6568 Storico Storico 4324 Ammesso al prestito A scaffale Nessuna