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Drivers of skill mismatch among Italian graduates: The role of personality traits

Roma : INAPP, c2022
Abstract/Sommario: It is now well accepted that human capital is a heterogeneous aggregate and that non-cognitive skills are at least as relevant as cognitive abilities. In spite of this growing interest in the labour market consequences of personality traits, the relationship between these and educational and skill mismatch is scant. In this paper, we investigate the impact of the five main personality traits (Big 5) on educational and skill mismatch in Italian graduates. To this aim, we use the 2018 wa ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione Drivers of skill mismatch among Italian graduates: The role of personality traits / INAPP ; Piero Esposito, Sergio Scicchitano. - Dati testuali elettronici. - Roma : INAPP, c2022. - (Inapp working paper ; 86)
  • ISSN: 2784-8701
  • DOI: 10.53223/InappWP_2022-86
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