centro europeo per lo sviluppo della formazione professionale
Annual report 2012 [Risorsa elettronica]
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2013
Accountability and dissemination of its work are important elements of Cedefop’s policy to provide assurance to stakeholders for resources used and results achieved. Especially for a centre of research and policy advice such as Cedefop, where its impact is hard to gauge for the common European citizen, legitimacy of public expenditure is important and even more important in times of crisis and budgetary constraint. Cedefop’s annual report is intended as a presentational and accountabil ...; [leggi tutto]
Accountability and dissemination of its work are important elements of Cedefop’s policy to provide assurance to stakeholders for resources used and results achieved. Especially for a centre of research and policy advice such as Cedefop, where its impact is hard to gauge for the common European citizen, legitimacy of public expenditure is important and even more important in times of crisis and budgetary constraint. Cedefop’s annual report is intended as a presentational and accountability tool to help stakeholders and the general public to understand Cedefop’s priorities and specific objectives, its main output and outcomes of its work. Information on each project is presented in a standard format, to make it easier to monitor and review projects’ implementation.