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Empowering future teachers for a sustainable intercultural and inclusive education : the impact of eTwinning on initial teacher education

Roma : Carocci, 2023
Abstract/Sommario: Most European Initial Teacher Education systems share common objectives aimed at preparing educators for effective and reflective teaching. Integrating eTwinning into the curriculum of future teachers enhances their potential by supporting the development of transversal competences, reinforcing digital and communication skills, and helping them become better teachers within a broader and richer community of practice. In order to give a complete picture of the eTwinning ite Initiative, ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione Empowering future teachers for a sustainable intercultural and inclusive education : the impact of eTwinning on initial teacher education / edited by Alexandra Tosi. - Roma : Carocci, 2023. - 165 p. ; 24 cm. - (INDIRE. Progetti ; 26)
DOI: 10.36174/0000008
  • EAN: 978-88-290-2332-5
  • EAN: 978-88-290-2333-2
  • 370.711 - Educazione. Insegnanti. Formazione professionale
Luogo di pubblicazione
  • Roma - [Luogo di pubblicazione]
ID scheda 25012
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Tosi, Alexandra
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