Monografia a stampa Monografia a stampa
Moghavvemi, Sedigheh

Reshaping the future : phenomenon of gig workers and knowledge-economy

Bingley, UK : Emerald Publishing Limited, 2023
Abstract/Sommario: The labour economy is being transformed by new technology, as employers embrace new practices that utilise flexible work contracts and a whole new generation of tech-savvy employees. This book offers a unique insight into the changing business environment and the laws that are being created to regulate it. Those that adopt successful strategies, as set out by the authors will have the competitive edge needed to survive these changes, and thrive, well into the mid-twenty-first century.
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Descrizione Reshaping the future : phenomenon of gig workers and knowledge-economy / Sedigheh Moghavvemi, Lee Su Teng, Huda Mahmoud. - Bingley, UK : Emerald Publishing Limited, 2023. - iv, 91 p. ; 24 cm.
  • EAN: 9781837533510
  • 303.483 - Processi sociali. Cambiamento sociale. Sviluppo della scienza e della tecnologia
Luogo di pubblicazione
ID scheda 24981
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Moghavvemi, Sedigheh
Mahmoud, Huda
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