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ufficio internazionale del lavoro

World employment and social outlook : trends 2020

Geneva: ILO, 2020
Abstract/Sommario: This report provides an overview of global and regional trends in employment, unemployment, labour force participation and productivity. Key findings are that are unemployment is projected to rise after a long period of stability, and that many people are working fewer paid hours than they would like or lack adequate access to paid work. The report also takes a close look at decent work deficits and persistent labour market inequalities, noting that income inequality is higher than pre ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione World employment and social outlook : trends 2020 / International Labour Office. - Geneva: ILO, 2020
  • ISBN: 9789220314074
  • 331.137 - Economia del lavoro. Disoccupazione
Luogo di pubblicazione
  • Geneva - [Luogo di pubblicazione]
  • ILO - [Editore]
ID scheda 23200
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