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Olivetti, Claudia

The economic consequences of family policies : lessons from a century of legislation in high-income countries

Bonn : IZA, 2017
Abstract/Sommario: The research draw lessons from existing work and analysis on the effects of parental leave and other interventions aimed at aiding families. The outcomes of interest are female employment, gender gaps in earnings and fertility. The authors begin with a discussion of the historical introduction of family policies ever since the end of the nineteenth century and then turn to the details regarding family policies currently in effect across high-income nations. Then they sketch a framework ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione The economic consequences of family policies : lessons from a century of legislation in high-income countries / Claudia Olivetti, Barbara Petrongolo. - Dati testuali elettronici. - Bonn : IZA, 2017. - (IZA Discussion paper ; 10505)
  • 331.4 - Economia del lavoro. Donne lavoratrici
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ID scheda 21080
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Olivetti, Claudia
Petrongolo, Barbara
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