Monografia a stampa Monografia a stampa
Rubalcaba, Luis

The new service economy : challenges and policy implications for Europe

Cheltenham : Elgar, c2007
Abstract/Sommario: This book aims at contributing to a better understanding of the service economy. By exploring the key dimensions, available empirical evidence and associated policy implications, the author comprehensively investigates the new challenges facing the global economy, including employment, productivity, innovation and competitiveness. The case of the European services is highlighted, particularly in comparison to the US. On the basis of these challenges, the book examines the existing and ...; [leggi tutto]
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Descrizione The new service economy : challenges and policy implications for Europe / Luis Rubalcaba. - Cheltenham : Elgar, c2007. - XI, 343 p. ; 24 cm. - (Services, economy and innovation)
  • ISBN: 9781845425852
  • 338.4094 - Produzione. Industrie secondaria e dei servizi. Europa
Luogo di pubblicazione
ID scheda 17915
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Rubalcaba, Luis
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