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[S.l ; s.n.], 2014 (Roma : Revelox)
Abstract: Il Resource Kit è stato sviluppato dai membri dell’European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN). La Rete ELGPN rappresenta uno sviluppo importante per le politiche di lifelong guidance a livello nazionale in Europa. Il Kit è concepito per aiutare i decisori politici e le parti coinvolte a rivedere gli attuali provvedimenti in materia di orientamento permanente all’interno della propria regione o Paese, identificare i temi che richiedono maggiore attenzione e i gap che devono esser ...; [Read more...]
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2011
Abstract: This Cedefop report reviews progress made across Europe during 2007-10 in developing guidance policy coordination, quality assurance mechanisms, access to services and career management skills. According to the review, the overall EU policy framework and changed economic conditions are bringing national governments and authorities (policy level), guidance communities (practice) and academic bodies (research) closer and building collaboration, consensus and partnerships. Together they a ...; [Read more...]
Jyväskylä : ELGPN, c2010
Abstract: Over the last decade increasing attention has been given to guidance at European and national levels. It is recognised as a crucial dimension of lifelong learning, promoting both social and economic goals: in particular, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of education, training and the labour market through its contribution to reducing drop-out, preventing skill mismatches and boosting productivity. In 2007, the Member States decided to set up a European Lifelong Guidance Polic ...; [Read more...]
Roma : Centro risorse nazionale per l'orientamento, 2006
Luxembourg : Office for official publications of the European Communities, 2005
[S.l. : s.n.], stampa 2005 (Roma : Tipar Arti Grafiche)
Luxembourg : Office des publications officielles des Communautes europeennes, 2004
Milano : F. Angeli, c2004
[Bad Honnef] : Bock, 1993
Roma : CIOFS, 1992