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Lifelong guidance policies: work in progress : a report on the work of the European lifelong guidance policy network 2008-10

Jyväskylä : ELGPN, c2010
Abstract: Over the last decade increasing attention has been given to guidance at European and national levels. It is recognised as a crucial dimension of lifelong learning, promoting both social and economic goals: in particular, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of education, training and the labour market through its contribution to reducing drop-out, preventing skill mismatches and boosting productivity. In 2007, the Member States decided to set up a European Lifelong Guidance Polic ...; [read all]
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Description Lifelong guidance policies: work in progress : a report on the work of the European lifelong guidance policy network 2008-10 / ELGPN ; [Raimo Vuorinen, Anthony G. Watts editors]. - Jyväskylä : ELGPN, c2010. - 141 p. ; 27 cm.
In cop.: Education and Culture DG, Lifelong Learning Programme, with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union. - Sintesi disponibile in Italiano. - Report (EN) e Sintesi (IT) disponibili anche in formato elettronico
  • ISBN: 978-951-39-3994-6
  • 371.42094 - Scuole e loro attività; educazione speciale. Orientamento scolastico e professionale. Europa
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ID file 19074
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