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[Milano] : Regione Lombardia, [197.?]
Milano : Angeli, c1983
Hamburg : UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, 2016
Abstract: The third Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE III) draws on monitoring surveys completed by 139 UNESCO Member States to develop a differentiated picture of the global state of adult learning and education (ALE). It evaluates countries’ progress in fulfilling the commitments they made in the Belém Framework for Action, which was adopted at the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI) in 2009. In addition, the report examines the impact of ALE on ...; [Read more...]
Hamburg : UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, 2019
Abstract: The Fourth Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE IV) draws on monitoring surveys completed by 139 UNESCO Member States to develop a differentiated picture of the global state of adult learning and education (ALE). This edition explores participation in adult learning and education from the perspective of equity and inclusion. The first part tracks progress in adult learning and education against the Belém Framework for Action, adopted in 2009, on the basis of the GRALE s ...; [Read more...]
Torino : European training foundation, [200.?]
[S.l. : s.n.], 2004 (Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino)
Abstract: Vengono riportate le sintesi di tre studi condotti a livello nazionale sul lifelong learning: "La domanda sociale e i percorsi di formazione permanente", "L'offerta di formazione permanente in Italia" e "Politiche regionali per la formazione permanente".
[Roma] : ISFOL, 2003
[S.l. : s.n., 2005?]
Terlizzi : Ed insieme, 2011
Abstract: Il volume analizza gli scenari economici in continuo mutamento, con rinnovata attenzione al tema dell'educazione al lavoro e alla vita professionale dei giovani e degli adulti. Ragioni epistemologiche inducono ad accostare il lavoro ai suoi diversi significati secondo più prospettive (socio-economica, etica, antropologica, psicologica e pedagogica). Tale impostazione scientifica interdisciplinare motiva l'analisi del rapporto tra il lavoro e i diversi ambiti di vita: tra questi la fami ...; [Read more...]