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Luxembourg : Office for official publications of the European Communities, 2007
Abstract: Cross-country report drafted within activities of the MEDA-ETE project as regards the topic of career guidance in the mediterranean region. Covering ten Mediterranean Partners (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, and the West Bank and Gaza Strip), the report was built upon previous experience with career guidance reviews of the OECD, the European Commission, Cedefop, ETF and the World Bank. The analysis developed further the research methodology by ...; [Read more...]
ETF key indicators 2010 [Risorsa elettronica] : overview and analysis
/ European Training Foundation
[Torino : ETF], 2011
Abstract: This paper is intended as a ready source of information for national policy-makers and the international community on the state of play of VET policies and systems in ETF partner countries. By including data for the EU-27, the report also sets out to inspire policy learning and dialogue both between the European Union (EU) and partner countries, and among the partner countries themselves. The paper is intended to enhance awareness among policy-makers in partner countries of the importa ...; [Read more...]
[Torino : ETF], 2011
Abstract: The 2011 ETF yearbook continues the tradition of highlighting a thematic area of particular importance for the relevance and quality of the ETF's work. As in previous editions, chapters are written by ETF staff and provide deeper reflections on the ETF's work in its partner countries. The theme of the 2011 Yearbook is the role of the social partners in the fields of vocational education and training, lifelong learning and active labour market policies.
[Torino : ETF], 2011
Abstract: This working document is a background study for the conference ‘Qualifications frameworks: from concepts to implementation’ on 6-7 October 2011 in Brussels. The focus of the study is on practical aspects of developing and implementing qualifications frameworks and their links to qualifications systems. Implementation arrangements are contextual. They may differ substantially from one location to another and they will change over time. They are different from each other even in what the ...; [Read more...]
Torino : ETF, c2019
Abstract: These Key Indicators on Education, Skills and Employment (KIESE) are a collection of statistics that are part of a broader set of indicators proposed by the ETF to enable an assessment of developments in the field of human capital in the partner countries1. They include data on vocational education and training (VET), skills, employment and labour market outcomes.
Torino : ETF, c2020
Abstract: Based on data on education, initial vocational education and training, lifelong learning, labour market outcomes, skills and human capital compiled in 2020, this report aims to provide an overview of trends and developments in ETF partner countries, and to raise awareness on the use of indicators to drive the policy cycle.
Torino : ETF, c2019
Abstract: The world is undergoing a major transformation that requires new skills and qualifications, new ways for people to know about skills and qualifications, and new ways to acquire skills and qualifications. This toolkit is about skills and qualifications, and the benefits they provide for people in a changing environment. It begins by exploring the context of skills and qualifications, before going on to look at how people know about skills and qualifications, and then how people acquire ...; [Read more...]
[Torino : ETF, 2010]
Abstract: On 6 and 7 March 2006, seventy young women and men from 24 countries went to Turin to celebrate the eve of International Women’s Day with the European Training Foundation and attend the ETF’s first conference entirely devoted to gender issues. The title of the conference was Women in Education and Employment 2010. The idea was to look at how education and training can enhance the status of women in society and in the labour market. Education is a powerful tool for reducing inequality a ...; [Read more...]
[Torino] : ETF, c2012
Abstract: This paper has been prepared by ETF in collaboration with the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), as one of the discussion papers for the Policy Forum on ‘Engaging youth in planning education for social transformation’, to be held in Paris on 16–18 October 2012. It is based on the results of a number of ETF initiatives, including the project on Union for Mediterranean Employability Review and the ETF Transition from School to Work project. This analysis main ...; [Read more...]