Monografia a stampa
European training foundation
Women in education and employment 2010
[Torino : ETF, 2010]
On 6 and 7 March 2006, seventy young women and men from 24 countries went to Turin to celebrate the eve of International Women’s Day with the European Training Foundation and attend the ETF’s first conference entirely devoted to gender issues. The title of the conference was Women in Education and Employment 2010. The idea was to look at how education and training can enhance the status of women in society and in the labour market. Education is a powerful tool for reducing inequality a ...; [read all]
On 6 and 7 March 2006, seventy young women and men from 24 countries went to Turin to celebrate the eve of International Women’s Day with the European Training Foundation and attend the ETF’s first conference entirely devoted to gender issues. The title of the conference was Women in Education and Employment 2010. The idea was to look at how education and training can enhance the status of women in society and in the labour market. Education is a powerful tool for reducing inequality as it can give people the ability to take control of their lives. Women, who may come across discrimination in many spheres, have a particular need for this.