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ufficio internazionale del lavoro

Working from home : from invisibility to decent work

Geneva: ILO, 2021
Abstract: Though working from home has long been an important feature of the world of work, the institutions that govern the labour market are rarely designed with the home as a workplace in mind. The sudden rise in homeworking brings renewed urgency to the need to appreciate the implications of home work for both workers and employers. This report seeks to improve understanding of home work and to advance guidance on policies that can pave the way to decent work for homeworkers both old and new ...; [read all]
Items: 1
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Field Value
Description Working from home : from invisibility to decent work / International Labour Office. - Geneva: ILO, 2021
  • ISBN: 978-92-2-033709-7
  • 331.137 - Economia del lavoro. Disoccupazione
Publishing location
  • Geneva - [Place of pubblication]
  • ILO - [Editor/publisher]
ID file 23216
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