Monografia a stampa Monografia a stampa
Gal, John

When social workers impact policy and don’t just implement it : a framework for understanding policy engagement

Bristol : Bristol University Press, 2024
Abstract: Rather than being seen simply as social policy implementors, in recent decades there has been increasing recognition of social workers as professionals with unique knowledge and insights to contribute to policy formulation and social justice. This book offers a path-breaking, evidence-based theoretical framework for understanding why social workers engage in policy, both as professionals and citizens, and the impact of their actions. Drawing on concepts from social work and the politic ...; [read all]
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Description When social workers impact policy and don’t just implement it : a framework for understanding policy engagement / John Gal, Idit Weiss-Gal. - Bristol : Bristol University Press, 2024. - X, 174 p. ; 24 cm.
  • EAN: 9781447364764
Publishing location
  • Bristol - [Place of pubblication]
ID file 24969
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Biblioteca INAPP 13863 CDS - Corrente CDS 03215 Available In library None