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organizzazione internazionale del lavoro

Trade unions and the global crisis [Risorsa elettronica] : labour’s visions, strategies and responses

Geneva : ILO, 2011
Abstract: If the recent global economic crisis has debilitated labour in many parts of the world, many segments of the trade union movement have been fighting back, combining traditional and innovative strategies and articulating alternatives to the dominant political and economic models. This book offers a composite overview of the responses of trade unions and other workers’ organizations to neoliberal globalization in general and to the recent financial crisis in particular.
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Description Trade unions and the global crisis [Risorsa elettronica] : labour’s visions, strategies and responses / edited by Melisa Serrano, Edlira Xhafa and Michael Fichter. - Dati testuali elettronici. - Geneva : ILO, 2011
Sulla schermata del tit. : Global Labour University
  • ISBN: 978-92-2-124926-9
  • 331.89 - Economia del lavoro. Contrattazione e controversie collettive
Publishing location
  • Geneva - [Place of pubblication]
  • ILO - [Editor/publisher]
ID file 18100
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Fichter, Michael
Organizzazione internazionale del lavoro
Serrano, Melisa
Xhafa, Edlira
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