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maul, daniel

The International Labour Organization : 100 years of global social policy

Geneva: ILO, 2019
Abstract: This book is the first comprehensive account of the International Labour Organization’s 100-year history. At its heart is the concept of global social policy, which encompasses not only social policy in its national and international dimensions, but also development policy, world trade, international migration and human rights. The 2020 edition discusses the implications of technological change for the nature of jobs available to young people. It focuses on shifts in job characteristic ...; [read all]
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Description The International Labour Organization : 100 years of global social policy / Daniel Maul ; International Labour Office. - Geneva: ILO, 2019
  • ISBN: 978922133044
  • 331.094 - Economia del lavoro. Europa
Publishing location
  • Geneva - [Place of pubblication]
  • ILO - [Editor/publisher]
ID file 22916
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Ufficio internazionale del lavoro
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