Multimediale Multimediale

Study on mobility developments in school education, vocational education and training, adult education and youth exchanges [Risorsa elettronica]

[S.l. : s.n.], 2012
Abstract: Transnational mobility undertaken for learning purposes remains in many ways a curiously under-researched phenomenon. This study covers issues such as: how many people in Europe (young and old) go abroad for a period of time to acquire new skills, competences and knowledge; in what contexts does this take place; and how is this financed (and by whom)?. What is the precise rationale for these activities, how are they organized and outcomes recognized, and what is the nature of the inte ...; [read all]
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Description Study on mobility developments in school education, vocational education and training, adult education and youth exchanges [Risorsa elettronica] / European Commission. - Dati testuali elettronici. - [S.l. : s.n.], 2012
Full report, Executive summary and Country reports available on the Cedefop web site at: - Sulla schermata del tit.: written by ICON-INSTITUTE GmbH und CO KG Consulting Gruppe
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Commissione europea : Direzione generale Educazione e cultura
Centro europeo per lo sviluppo della formazione professionale
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Agenzia Eurodesk Rol0324 Rol 0324 Available In library None