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Studies in theoretical and applied statistics : SIS 2016, Salerno, Italy, June 8–10

Cham : Springer, c2018
Abstract: This book contains a selection of the papers presented during the 48th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS2016), held in Salerno on June 8–10, 2016. This biennial conference is a traditional national and international meeting for connecting researchers in statistics, demography, and applied statistics in Italy. The conference aims at bringing together national and foreign researchers and practitioners to discuss recent developments in statistical methods for econ ...; [read all]
Items: 1
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Field Value
Description Studies in theoretical and applied statistics : SIS 2016, Salerno, Italy, June 8–10 / Cira Perna, Monica Pratesi, Anne Ruiz-Gazen editors. - Dati testuali elettronici. - Cham : Springer, c2018. - (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics ; 227)
Analytic titles
  • ISBN: 978-3-319-73905-2
  • 519.5 - Probabilità e matematica applicata. Statistica matematica
Publishing location
  • Cham - [Place of pubblication]
ID file 21784
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Pratesi, Monica
Ruiz-Gazen, Anne
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