commissione europea
Prison education and trainingin Europe [Risorsa elettronica] : current state of play and challenges
[Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union], 2013
The Council conclusions of February 2013 "Investing in education and training - a response to Rethinking Education" invites the Member States "to ensure […] that equal opportunities for access to quality education are provided" and to "reduce the number of low-skilled adults by […] offering tailored learning opportunities to individual learners". Against this backdrop, this report aims to support Member States in addressing the learning needs of people in prisons. It presents the ratio ...; [read all]
The Council conclusions of February 2013 "Investing in education and training - a response to Rethinking Education" invites the Member States "to ensure […] that equal opportunities for access to quality education are provided" and to "reduce the number of low-skilled adults by […] offering tailored learning opportunities to individual learners". Against this backdrop, this report aims to support Member States in addressing the learning needs of people in prisons. It presents the rationale for providing education and training in prisons, contributions of the European Union to this field, the current state of play in different Member States and concludes by highlighting pre-requisites for effective education and training provision in prisons. The report has been prepared for the European Commission by GHK Consulting. It draws on the work produced by them on prison education and training between 2010 and 2012, including the outcomes of the "Pathways to Inclusion" conference, a review and commentary of existing literature and an on-line survey.