Monografia a stampa Monografia a stampa
riddell, sheila

Lifelong learning in europe : equity and efficiency in the balance

Bristol, England: Policy Press, 2012
Abstract: This study draws on rigorous international research, reviews key theoretical and policy debates, and presents new insights into the different meanings and practices of lifelong learning in Europe. It contributes to the development of knowledge and understanding of lifelong learning in an expanded Europe. As a matter of fact, authors look at the contribution of lifelong learning to economic growth and social cohesion across Europe, focusing its challenge to social exclusion. Comparative ...; [read all]
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Description Lifelong learning in europe : equity and efficiency in the balance / edited by Sheila Riddell, Jorg Markowitsch and Elisabet Weedon. - Bristol, England: Policy Press, 2012. - xii, 182 p. ; 25 cm.
  • ISBN: 9781447300137
  • 374.94 - Educazione degli adulti. Europa
Publishing location
ID file 19957
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Markowitsch, Jorg
Riddell, Sheila
Weedon, Elisabet
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Biblioteca INAPP 11937 CDS - Corrente CDS 01873 Available In library None