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van stolk, christian

Life after Lisbon [Risorsa elettronica] : Europe’s challenges to promote labour force articipation and reduce income inequality

[Cambridge : RAND Europe], c2011
Abstract: In June 2010, the Europe 2020 agenda replaced the European Lisbon Strategy, the overarching framework for European social and employment policy between 2000 and 2010. Europe 2020 continues the main themes of the Lisbon Agenda by focusing on economic inclusion and territorial cohesion, but is also a response to existing and new realities – including the biggest economic downturn since the 1930s and the need to develop a smart and green economy in an increasingly interdependent world. Th ...; [read all]
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Description Life after Lisbon [Risorsa elettronica] : Europe’s challenges to promote labour force articipation and reduce income inequality / Christian van Stolk ... [et al.]. - Dati testuali elettronici. - [Cambridge : RAND Europe], c2011
Tit. dalla schermata del titolo. - In cop.: Unione europea, Fondo sociale europeo; Ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali, Direzione generale per le politiche per l'orientamento e la formazione; FSE per il tuo futuro, Programmi operativi nazionali per la formazione e l'occupabilità
  • 331.120424094 - Economia del lavoro. Politiche per il pieno impiego. Europa
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ID file 17868
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Van Stolk, Christian
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