Monografia a stampa Monografia a stampa
italia : dipartimento per le politiche di sviluppo

Fifth report of the Department for development policies 2001-2002 : summary : presented to the Parliament by the Deputy minister of economy and finance Gianfranco Micicché as an attachement to the 2003 Forecasting and planning report

Roma : Istituto poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 2003
Field Value
Description Fifth report of the Department for development policies 2001-2002 : summary : presented to the Parliament by the Deputy minister of economy and finance Gianfranco Micicché as an attachement to the 2003 Forecasting and planning report . - Roma : Istituto poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 2003. - 23 p. : ill., tab. ; 30 cm
In cop.: Ministry of economy and finance
  • 332.67252 - Economia finanziaria. Investimento da parte dell'amministarzione pubblica e delle sue agenzie
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ID file 15449
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Italia : Dipartimento per le politiche di sviluppo
Micciché, Gianfranco
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