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Employment policy and the regulation of part-time work in the European Union : a comparative analysis

New York : Cambridge University press, 2011
Abstract: This book originates from the research project 'New discourses in labour law' held at the European University Institute. A detailed analysis of part-time work regulation is presented for seven European countries, in order to ascertain how internal domestic choices of the legislatures have merged into the 'Open method of co-ordination'. The impact of European employment policies is considered in parallel with the implementation of the Directive on part-time work, thus providing a comple ...; [read all]
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Description Employment policy and the regulation of part-time work in the European Union : a comparative analysis / edited by Silvana Sciarra, Paul Davies and Mark Freedland. - [Paperback re-issue]. - New York : Cambridge University press, 2011. - xviii, 368 p. ; 23 cm.
First published 2004; first parback edition 2011.
  • ISBN: 9780521272872
  • 331.25727094 - Economia del lavoro. Lavoro a tempo parziale. Europa
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ID file 18813
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Freedland, Mark
Sciarra, Silvana
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Biblioteca INAPP 11640 CDS - Corrente CDS 01648 Available In library None