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Pedersini, Roberto

Coping with the crisis in Italy [Risorsa elettronica] : employment relations and social dialogue amidst the recession

Geneva : ILO, 2013
Abstract: This study on Italy shows that the initial responses to the economic crisis in Italy were designed with the participation of the social partners and focused on supporting small and medium–sized enterprises (SMEs). At the local level, an agreement was concluded between the Government and the regional administrations to strengthen the Wages Guarantee Fund (CIG), a special public fund used to protect workers’ income. The authors contend that the measures were successful in retaining emplo ...; [read all]
Items: 1
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Field Value
Description Coping with the crisis in Italy [Risorsa elettronica] : employment relations and social dialogue amidst the recession / Roberto Pedersini, Marino Regini ; International Labour Office. - Geneva : ILO, 2013. - (DIALOGUE working paper ; 50)
  • ISSN: 2226-7840
  • 331.13770945 - Economia del lavoro. Prevenzione e alleggerimento della disoccupazione. Italia
Publishing location
  • Geneva - [Place of pubblication]
  • ILO - [Editor/publisher]
ID file 20217
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Pedersini, Roberto
Regini, Marino
Ufficio internazionale del lavoro
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