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O'Higgins, Niall

Complementarities between labour market institutions and their causal impact on youth labour market outcomes

Bonn : IZA, 2019
Abstract: The paper examines recent policy reforms in Italy focusing on the impact of the 2012 Fornero reforms of employment protection legislation as well as the initial impact of the EU-wide Youth Guarantee scheme introduced in Italy in March 2014. The paper then examines how these two policy reforms interacted. The analysis first confirms the finding that the Fornero reform increased permanent hires particularly amongst the very youngest workers; it then goes on to find that the YG was indeed ...; [read all]
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Description Complementarities between labour market institutions and their causal impact on youth labour market outcomes / Niall O’Higgins, Giovanni Pica. - Dati testuali elettronici. - Bonn : IZA, 2019. - (IZA Discussion paper ; 12424)
  • 331.2592 - Economia del lavoro. Formazione
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ID file 21987
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Pica, Giovanni
O'Higgins, Niall
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