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bronzini, raffaello

Bank internationalization and firm exports: evidence from matched firm-bank data

[Roma] : Banca d'Italia, 2016
Abstract: This paper investigates whether new exporter firms have a higher probability of starting to export to the countries where their financing banks have already established their branches. The underlying mechanism hypothesized is based on the transmission of foreign market knowledge from banks to firms, so as to cut down information barriers to international trade. In those countries where such information is arguably more precious to the firm, the findings show a significant positive rela ...; [read all]
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Description Bank internationalization and firm exports: evidence from matched firm-bank data / by Raffaello Bronzini and Alessio D'Ignazio . - Dati testuali elettronici. - [Roma] : Banca d'Italia, 2016. - (Temi di discussione/ Servizio studi della Banca d'Italia ; 1055)
In testa al frontespizio: Banca d'Italia, Eurosistema.
Other relations
  • ISSN: 2281-3950 (online)
  • 332.10285 - Economia finanziaria. Banche. Elaborazione dei dati Applicazioni dell'elaboratore
Publishing location
  • Roma - [Place of pubblication]
ID file 21382
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Bronzini, Raffaello
D'Ignazio, Alessio
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