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Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2011
Abstract/Sommario: The Social Europe guide is a bi-annual publication aimed at providing to an interested but not necessarily specialised audience a concise overview of specific areas of EU policy in the field of employment, social affairs and inclusion. It illustrates the key issues and challenges, explains policy actions and instruments at EU level and provides examples of best practices from EU Member States. It also presents views on the subject from the Council Presidency and the European Parliament ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Luxembourg : Office for official publications of the European Communities, 2006
Luxembourg : Publications office of the European Union, 2015
Abstract/Sommario: Since the onset of the economic crisis, the unemployment level among young people has risen sharply and although an improvement is now being registered some EU countries still have stubbornly high youth unemployment rates. Young people, especially those who are not in employment, education or training (NEET), are now the group at highest risk of social exclusion, with severe consequences not only for the individuals concerned but for the economy and society as a whole. Through its Yout ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2013
Abstract/Sommario: The bi-annual publication aimed at providing an interested but not necessarily specialised audience with a concise overview of specific areas of EU policy in the field of employment, social affairs and inclusion. It illustrates the key issues and challenges, explains policy actions and instruments at EU level and provides examples of best practices from EU Member States. It also presents views on the subject from the Council Presidency and the European Parliament. This fifth volume in ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Luxembourg : Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities, 2003
Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2004
[Luxembourg : Kontoret for De europaeiske Faellesskabers officielle Publikationer], 1977
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2019
Abstract/Sommario: This publication brings together the main features and data of VET in the EU, Iceland and Norway. While countries share goals and challenges, their VET systems are diverse, shaped by socioeconomic contexts and traditions. Information on VET’s main features, its role and status, are a prerequisite to understanding developments and learning from another country. This compilation addresses all those who need a quick overview of essential features of VET in Europe.
Luxembourg : Office for official publications of the European communities ; Berlin : CEDEFOP, 1986
Luxembourg : Ufficio delle pubblicazioni ufficiali delle Comunita Europee, 1985