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Luxembourg : Office for official publications of the European Communities, 2004
Luxembourg : Office for official publications of the european communities, 2005
Luxembourg : Office for official publications of the European Communities, 2008
Abstract/Sommario: The report 2008, as in previous years, addresses topics that are high on the European Union's employment policy agenda. It gives a comprehensive overview of the employment situation in the EU, as well as an analysis of key labour market issues, including: immigration, post-enlargement intra-EU labour mobility, quality of work, the link between education and employment.
Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2009
Abstract/Sommario: The 2009 Employment in Europe report takes a deeper look at two issues that are important for EU employment policy in the future: the dynamics of European labour markets and the implications of climate change for labour-market outcomes. A clearer understanding of labour-market dynamics is critical in a time of crisis, when prompt policy responses are crucial. Measures to get laid-off workers back into employment and to curb long-term unemployment are hugely important.
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2010
Abstract/Sommario: This year’s Employment in Europe report, the 22nd in the series, comes at a particularly important time for the European Union. Despite moderate signs of economic recovery, European labour markets are still suffering from the aftermath of the economic crisis and they will continue to need to be supported by appropriate crisis exit strategies. The Employment in Europe report is one of the tools to support the design and implementation of Member States’ employment policies. This year’s r ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2013
Abstract/Sommario: This publication presents findings from 25 study visits, in 2010/11 and 2011/12, related to empowering vulnerable adults to tackle labour-market challenges. It focuses on ways to support vulnerable adults to exploit their knowledge, skills and competences to the full, to get information and guidance, to participate in vocational training, to recognise their skills and competences, and to have access to meaningful and rewarding employment. Group reports prepared by study visit participa ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2015
Abstract/Sommario: This report provides interesting insights into how the certification process quality is ensured in IVET. It explores national approaches in 12 European countries and identifies eight key quality features, which guarantee that the certification processes are consistent across a VET system. This publication discusses key messages and recommendations for policy-makers, bodies involved in certification, and practitioners, and hopes to stimulate further debate, research and action in Europe ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2023
Abstract/Sommario: This Manual has been developed as part of the methodology and procedure to carry out EQAVET Peer Reviews at VET system level and is intended to assist you in designing and implementing peer reviews in your respective country context. The Manual presents the main principles of EQAVET Peer Reviews on VET system level; provides concrete guidance and tools for National Reference Points (NRPs) representatives to get familiar with the phases and practical steps each phase that a Peer Review ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Lussemburgo : Ufficio delle pubblicazioni ufficiali delle Comunita europee, 2000
Luxembourg : Office for official publications of the european communities, 2005