Risultati ricerca
Berlin : Cedefop, 1983
Frankfurt (am Main) : Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, 1974
Berlin : CEDEFOP, 1994
Wiesbaden : Springer VS. 2020
Abstract/Sommario: The European social model is at a crossroad. Although from the 1990s onwards, the threat of an imminent crisis shaped much of the rhetoric surrounding the future of the welfare state, disagreement within the academic community remains. What is however increasingly clear is that with the global financial crisis and the Euro crisis that followed it, the challenges the European Social Model faces have become more acute and demand action. This volume launches a multifaceted inquiry into th ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Opladen, Germany ; Farmington Hills, MI : Barbara Budrich Publishers ; c2011
Abstract/Sommario: Lifelong learning is a key concept for the development of adult education as an area of practice and theoretical consideration. In recent decades, meanwhile, the idea of lifelong education and learning has been central to the guidance of various international organizations of many countries. Currently, lifelong learning is widely accepted in terms of its benefits, thus the meanings it can contain are rarely questioned. This book proposes three models for analyzing public adult educatio ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Berlin : CEDEFOP, 1994
Bonn : IZA, 2020
Abstract/Sommario: The paper presents findings from a novel survey of Italian, British, and American families in lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic of spring 2020. A high percentage report disruptions in the patterns of family life, manifesting in new work patterns, chore allocations and household tensions. Though men have taken a greater share of childcare and grocery shopping duties, reallocations are not nearly as stark as disruptions to work patterns might suggest, and families having to reallocat ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Luxembourg : Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes ; Berlin : CEDEFOP, 1991
Luxembourg : Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes ; Berlin : CEDEFOP, 1986