Risultati ricerca
Hamburg : UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, 2016
Abstract/Sommario: The third Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE III) draws on monitoring surveys completed by 139 UNESCO Member States to develop a differentiated picture of the global state of adult learning and education (ALE). It evaluates countries’ progress in fulfilling the commitments they made in the Belém Framework for Action, which was adopted at the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI) in 2009. In addition, the report examines the impact of ALE on ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Berlino : Cedefop, 1980
Bonn : IZA, 2020
Abstract/Sommario: This paper analyzes the role of networks in the spatial diffusion of local economic shocks in Africa. We show that road and ethnic connectivity are particularly important factors for diffusing economic spillovers over longer distances. We then determine the key players, i.e., which districts are key in propagating local economic shocks across Africa. Using these results, we conduct counterfactual policy exercises to evaluate the potential gains from policies that increase economic acti ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Berlin : CEDEFOP, 1990
The financing of vocational education and training in Sweden : financing portrait
/ Ronnie Andersson
Thessaloniki : CEDEFOP ; Berlin : Cedefop, 2000
Bonn : IZA, 2020
Abstract/Sommario: The social and the private returns to education differ when education can increase productivity, and also be used to signal productivity. We show how instrumental variables can be used to separately identify and estimate the social and private returns to education within the employer learning framework of Farber and Gibbons [1996] and Altonji and Pierret [2001]. What an instrumental variable identifies depends crucially on whether the instrument is hidden from, or observed by, the empl ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Bonn : IZA, 2013
Abstract/Sommario: Women are on average more absent from work for health reasons than men. At the same time, they live longer. This conflicting pattern suggests that part of the gender difference in health-related absenteeism arises from differences between the genders unrelated to actual health. An overlooked explanation could be that men and women's preferences for absenteeism differ, for example because of gender differences in risk preferences. These differences may originate from the utility-maximiz ...; [Leggi tutto...]
Frankfurt (am Main) : Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, 1974
Bonn : IZA, 2013
Abstract/Sommario: In the Great Recession most OECD countries used short-time work (publicly subsidized working time reductions) to counteract a steep increase in unemployment. We show that short-time work can actually save jobs. However, there is an important distinction to be made: while the rule-based component of short-time work is a cost-efficient job saver, the discretionary component appears to be completely ineffective. In a case study for Germany, we use the rich data available to combine micro- ...; [Leggi tutto...]